comic strips becoming nudge for behaviour change in tamil nadu
Comic strips with relatable animated characters are 'nudging' children and the community in the urban slums of Tamilnadu to adopt...
an open letter to reimagine architectural education and practice in india
This article is an open letter to fellow architects, urban practitioners, designers, and thinkers. The urban environment is extremely important...
why affordable housing in gujarat is a riddle?
When in 2012, Gujarat Housing Board (GHB) reappeared in front of the people and the media after almost a decade...
how urban poor are being left out of climate actions in india?
India is home to nearly one-third of the world’s poor. At the most basic level, the Human Development Index (HDI)...
rethinking urban livelihood: thriving informal economy in urban areas in india
Globalisation vs ‘Right to the city’ Over the years, economic policies and strategies adopted for sustainable urban development had resulted...
civic-ism: the exigency, design and urgency for civic innovation
Technology - designed by a few, ingrained in the lives of a billion. There is no escaping the tremendous impact...