Urban Voices  /  Articles by: Debadutta Parida

Debadutta Parida

Debadutta Parida is an architect, urban and rural planner by profession. An IIT Roorkee alumnus, he is currently pursuing his doctoral studies at the University of Alberta, Canada. At present, he is researching the politics of urban climate resilience in Indian cities. When he is not working, he engages himself in reading books on politics, doing street photography and cooking.

an open letter to reimagine architectural education and practice in india

This article is an open letter to fellow architects, urban practitioners, designers, and thinkers. The urban environment is extremely important...
July 9, 2020

city architecture has become a punishment in covid19

The world is negotiating extremely troubled times. Everyone seems confused, anxious, possibly afraid, perhaps trying to make sense of the...
May 11, 2020

the covid19 conundrum in madhya pradesh amidst political upheaval

The next twelve months will be crucial from a governance point of view in Madhya Pradesh, India. An adaptive response...
May 7, 2020

how urban poor are being left out of climate actions in india?

India is home to nearly one-third of the world’s poor. At the most basic level, the Human Development Index (HDI)...
February 2, 2020

god is in the market: is city planning in india getting hijacked by free-market overtures?

In the summer of 2015, the Narendra Modi government announced the 100 Smart Cities Mission. Once the list of cities...
January 13, 2020