Urban Voices  /  Articles by: Subrajoti Paul

Subrajoti Paul

Subrajoti Paul is an undergraduate student at the School of Planning and Architecture Vijayawada studying Bachelor of Urban Planning. He is has a month of internship experience at Northeast Space Application Centre, Shillong working in AMRUT Master Plan for Shillong City. He is an avid academic and option writer in different social media platforms along with a keen interest in Street Photography.

what does satellite imagery say about kidneys of kolkata?

Do you know there exists an environmental component that provides flood protection in coastal and urban areas by acting as...
September 29, 2021

public health: a far cry for rural india during covid19

Maya (name changed) a contractual labourer serving a family of four, travels more than five miles each day, sometimes in...
October 31, 2020

preserving wetlands to fight urban flooding in india

India's biggest challenge in front of its growth is the impact of climate change on its populace. The country has...
July 24, 2020

time to build healthy & green city post covid19 in india

The world has seen the disruption of healthcare and urban facilities done by the onslaught of Covid-19 which has affected...
July 9, 2020