Urban Voices  /  Articles by: Anoop Nautiyal

Anoop Nautiyal

Anoop Nautiyal is a social and corporate leader with global, national and state experience in government and for-profit sectors. He is well known for his participative and integrity drove leadership style with a high degree of passion for improving lives and giving back to society. He has worked very closely with the state government while leading the 108 emergency services in PPP mode as its founder Chief Operating Officer. He is the founder of the Social Development for Communities (SDC) Foundation is a Dehradun, Uttarakhand based not for profit engaged in communication, capacity building and community mobilization.

the himalaya’s himalayan task- fighting plastic menace

The mighty Himalayas is facing a Himalayan crisis of plastic menace. The picturesque Himalaya is infested with widely strewn plastic...
January 18, 2020