the mirage of “vikas”: why urban planning in indian cities struggles to deliver the basics?
India's cities force millions to navigate potholes, broken footpaths, and endless traffic every day—almost as if dysfunction is built into...
multi-stakeholder workshop aims to halve gujarat road fatalities by 2030
Ahmedabad, January 21, 2025: In a bid to make Gujarat’s roads safer, a multi-stakeholder workshop on the State Road Safety...
prioritise better street design over traffic fines for road safety in india
There is this whole narrative of demand for strict traffic rules and imposing stringent fine as a magic wand to...
ahmedabad need vision zero on road safety, now.
Ahmedabad, the commercial capital of Gujarat, has witnessed a disturbing increase in road accidents in recent years. The recent July...
declare january 11 as national pedestrians’ day: citizens demand
A national coalition of NGOs has launched a nationwide campaign in India to demand that the Government of India should...
civic sense for civic bodies for pedestrian needs is urgent
Walking has always been the primary means of human locomotion. Pedestrianism (walking) was a popular spectator sport just as horse...
bring paradigm change: vision zero for road safety in india
The 31st road safety week 2020 is over. Once more, India's dubious record on road safety was the front and...