urban india caught up in parking muddle
With low car ownership of 22 cars per 1000 inhabitants, India is expected to touch 35 cars per 1000 inhabitants...
the end of megacities as we know in covid 19
From Rome to Pataliputra, cities have been engines of economic growth for ages. However, over the last couple of centuries,...
the indigenous coastal communities of mumbai in lurch
People settled on coasts to take advantage of the amenities the oceans offer; food supply, source of transport, defensible positions...
four steps of building trust for inclusive-cities to fight covid
All of us are highly impressed with New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s leadership in steering her country through the...
rethinking urban livelihood: thriving informal economy in urban areas in india
Globalisation vs ‘Right to the city’ Over the years, economic policies and strategies adopted for sustainable urban development had resulted...
the confession of a young anthropologist in dharavi
I worked with a research collective called Urbz that has a strong base in Dharavi, Asia's largest slum, lies on...
civic-ism: the exigency, design and urgency for civic innovation
Technology - designed by a few, ingrained in the lives of a billion. There is no escaping the tremendous impact...