Urban Voices  /  

ghost villages: haunting uttarakhand’s progress with real-life challenges

Uttarakhand, renowned for its breathtaking landscapes and rich cultural heritage, is grappling with a pressing challenge the emergence of ghost villages. Despite...
Monisha Bahuguna November 22, 2024

unlocking india’s digital transformation: upyog’s promise for inclusive, sustainable, and efficient governance

India's rapid urbanization trend brings forth numerous socio-economic changes and challenges, particularly in providing essential services to this vast urban...
Maansi Sood September 12, 2023

prioritise better street design over traffic fines for road safety in india

There is this whole narrative of demand for strict traffic rules and imposing stringent fine as a magic wand to...
Kumar Manish August 16, 2023

riverfront projects are new tools for urban revitalization globally

Riverfront development projects have gained significant traction worldwide, as cities strive to revitalize their waterfront areas and leverage the potential...
Kumar Manish May 27, 2023

brts system revolutionises urban transportation locally & globally for good

In an era where urban congestion and environmental concerns dominate the headlines, the Bus Rapid Transit System (BRTS) has emerged...
Kumar Manish May 24, 2023

bengaluru introduces the first live bicyle counter in the city

Build bicycle lanes and people will cycle, a global mantra of bicycle-friendly cities from Copenhagen in Denmark to Paris in...
Kumar Manish April 27, 2022

urban india caught up in parking muddle

With low car ownership of 22 cars per 1000 inhabitants, India is expected to touch 35 cars per 1000 inhabitants...
Jasmine Singh March 14, 2021

public health: a far cry for rural india during covid19

Maya (name changed) a contractual labourer serving a family of four, travels more than five miles each day, sometimes in...
Subrajoti Paul October 31, 2020

libraries as community spaces: my love story with the indian institute of world culture

In the words of Neil Gaiman, I believe that the future depends on libraries. This conviction comes from the fact...
Kavya Srinivasan October 5, 2020

urban planning in india need ‘rethinking’ & ‘retrofitting’ in covid19

COVID19 has come in our lives as a blizzard unaware. In the last six months of the year 2020, we...
Jasmine Singh October 2, 2020